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Wessex clinical genetics service

Our clinical genetics service provides care for people and families with a range of genetic conditions. Genetic conditions are caused by changes in an individual’s genetic information which may be passed down in families.

Our service covers a population of around 3 million people in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Dorset, Salisbury and Guernsey.

We are a multidisciplinary team of consultant doctors, genetic counsellors, specialist nurses, research and administrative staff. To find out more about us, please see our meet the team page.

We support people with:

  • Genetic and genomic testing
  • Diagnosis of a genetic condition if appropriate
  • Management of a genetic condition where necessary
  • Risk assessments and advice for relatives
  • Genetic counselling and testing for a condition in a family
  • Emotional and psychosocial support

We also work with other healthcare professionals and services to provide specialist clinics for various genetic conditions including inherited cardiac conditions, inherited cancer syndromes, eye genetics, neurogenetics, dermatogenetics, von Hippel Lindau (VHL) disease, imprinting disorders and many more.

Our service is based at the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton, but we hold regular genetics clinics at many locations throughout the region.

To find genetic services outside of our area, please visit The British Society for Genetic Medicine website.

To find out how you can contact us, please visit our contact us page.