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Speech and language therapy

Our team will work with you and your family or carers if you're having problems with communicating or swallowing. We work with children and adults. We'll usually come to see you at your bedside on the ward while you're in hospital, or you might be referred to see us in an outpatient clinic.

There are around 30 speech and language therapists in our team. We work with a range of specialist services including the acute admissions units, cardiology and cardiothoracics, child health, critical care, general medicine, general oncology, head and neck cancer, medicine for older people, neonates, neurology and neurosurgery, respiratory, stroke and outpatients.

We're involved in training staff and volunteers, and work with students on clinical placements who are studying speech and language therapy.

We work closely with GPs and our speech and language therapy colleagues in the community service to make sure your care continues as needed when you leave hospital.