Teenage and young adult cancer care
Our dedicated team of specialists have expert knowledge and experience in looking after young people with different types of cancer, leukaemia and brain tumours – from the common, to the very rare.
Although we are based in Southampton, our experts talk to and advise teams in other hospitals across the world to ensure young people receive the best possible treatment and care wherever they are.

Contact us
- Inpatient ward (C6), 023 8120 6321
- Jo Grout, lead TYA cancer nurse, 023 8120 6556 or 07920 708343
- TYA clinical nurse specialist, 07920 708 342
Useful links
There are some great organisations out there for you to access further support and find out more about cancer, possible treatments and what it means for you.
We've included a few links below:

- www.cancerresearchuk.org
- 0300 123 1022

- https://www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk/
- 0300 330 0803

- www.macmillan.org.uk
- 0808 808 0000

- www.teenagecancertrust.org
- 020 7612 0370