Cancel your appointment
Please be aware this form can only be used to cancel outpatient and clinic appointments booked by Southampton General Hospital, the Princess Anne Hospital or the Royal South Hants Hospital.
It cannot be used to cancel hospital admissions or appointments booked by other hospitals.
Make sure you have your letter with you to help you complete this form.
Thank for using this form to cancel or rebook your appointment with us. This form can only be used to cancel outpatient and clinic appointments booked by Southampton General Hospital, the Princess Anne Hospital or the Royal South Hants Hospital. It cannot be used to cancel hospital admissions or appointments booked by other hospitals.
Alternatively you can still contact our patient services centre who can process your cancellation or request for change. Those details will be on the letter you have been sent, or you can find their contact information here.
It will be helpful to have the information on your appointment letter with you on the telephone call and for using the form below.
Please note: If you fail to attend your appointment or cancel your appointment for a second time you may be discharged back to your GP.
The information submitted through this form is handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read more on our website privacy policy webpages.