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My Medical Record - perioperative screening questionnaire

What is My Medical Record?

My Medical Record is a patient portal that gives you access to information about your healthcare and connects you with your clinical team and other support services. You can use it to see your upcoming appointments, clinic letters and blood results.

You may have already been asked to sign up to the service by other departments in the hospital.

In the perioperative care team, we use it to ask our patients to complete health screening questionnaires.

Why am I being asked to complete the health screening questionnaire?

Your answers give us an overview of your current health status and allow us to see if there are any areas of your health that may need improving before your treatment.

We can then personalise your plan to help you get as fit as possible for treatment. This may mean you require investigations and treatments to assess your fitness for treatments such as surgery.

If you are waiting for surgery, by taking this questionnaire we can reduce the chances of your surgery being cancelled close to the day. It will also help us to make sure you get the right pre-assessment and treatments for your needs.

What type of questions are asked in the questionnaire?

We ask questions based around fitness, frailty, mental wellbeing, nutrition, lifestyle behaviours and chronic health conditions. You will see questions around:

  • your ability to do daily tasks
  • how you are feeling currently/have been feeling this past week
  • nutrition and your food intake
  • weight loss
  • alcohol consumption
  • smoking
  • health conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, lung disease, neurological conditions
  • current medication.

What happens next?

One of our nurses will ring you if they have any further questions about your medical history or if they feel you would benefit from treatment or further investigations. It is important you complete the questionnaire as early as possible so we have time to plan and manage your care. For more information on My Medical Record please see their webpage.

If you have any questions or will need help with accessing or completing the questionnaire, please email us at